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Home > Blog > Encourage Business Clients to Avoid Overloading

Encourage Business Clients to Avoid Overloading

It’s important that businesses are aware of socket overloading and they understand the consequences of overloading extension leads and sockets with appliances.

To encourage them to think carefully and be safe, give them our top tips on avoiding socket overloading.

Encourage them to check the current rating of extension leads before plugging in appliances. Most are rated at 13A however some are rated at 10A or less. It is vital that they look carefully. Encourage them to check the underside of the extension lead to find the rating mark.

Advise them against overloading extension leads by plugging appliances in together which will exceed the maximum current rating for that extension lead. Ensure they understand that doing so could cause overheating and fire.

Ensure they understand that plugging extension leads into one another poses a great risk of overloading the wall socket. Encourage them to only use one extension lead per socket.

Help them to understand that using a multi-way bar extension lead rather than a block adaptor is a much better choice as it puts less strain on the wall socket.

Encourage them to watch out for any signs of a hot smelling plastic or burning near an appliance or socket, sparks or smoke coming from an appliance, blackness or scorch marks, damaged or frayed leads, wire insides of the lead showing, melted plastic on the appliance, fuses that blow or circuit breakers that operate for no reason.

If all businesses are diligent with their safety and regular checks, alongside their regular PAT testing procedures, they should be able to comfortably continue their daily business without an increased risk of damage or fire.

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